AI 1
AI for Games In my recent life update post I mentioned my goal to start the AI for Games book by Ian Millington and after a solid week of progress I managed to get through the first 2 chapters and the first couple of sections of chapter 3. That might sound like a lot but really it's not, the first 2 chapters were roughly 20 pages each and the entirety of chapter 3 is roughly 150 pages. Additionally the first 2 chapters were more or less just lecture material about what AI is and how it is applied in games. Chapter 3 is where I also started implementing the material so that slowed me down as well. I could probably talk at great length why I think we are safe from AI for a while, but I really just want to limit the scope of this to what I learned reading this book. Chapter 1 Summarized The topic of AI is pretty deep and mysterious right now given the popularity of tools such as ChatGPT, deepfakes, AI generated art, and billionaires reassuring us that current AI is not a problem but t...